wcko87’s Resources Page
- Discord username: wcko87
- If you can’t DM me on discord, join a server I’m in (e.g. beatoraja English Guide, BMS Server Japan, YuanCon, Rabidb, TEVI).
- Email: same username, @ gmail. Contacting me via discord is preferred however.
BMS Guides (players)
BMS Guides (producers)
- Unofficial fork of beatoraja using LR2 gauges and judge.
- Customizable input display for IIDX / BMS / similar controllers.
- If the zip is in JP locale, but you extracted it in the wrong locale, the filenames will be garbled.
- For guide discussion and beatoraja troubleshooting.
Rabi-Ribi Custom Maps
- A basic discord bot that tracks twitch streams for a specific game, and posts messages to discord when twitch streams go live.